Shape Object

The image-20240320-175351.png Shape Object allows you to add a selection of geometric shapes to the ID card design.


  • Shape Type:

    • Ellipse

    • Rectangle

    • Round Rectangle

  • Pen Thickness: Select a numerical value to determine the thickness of the shape's outline.


  • Foreground: Choose the shape (pen) color.

  • Background: Set the background color for the object.

  • Dynamic Color: Enable dynamic color changes based on conditions.


  • Location (X, Y): Specify the horizontal and vertical coordinates for positioning the object.

  • Size: Adjust the width and height of the object.

  • Rotate: Rotate the object by a specified angle.


  • Visible: Toggle the object's visibility on or off.

  • Dynamic Visibility: Set conditions for dynamic visibility.

  • Opacity: Adjust the object's transparency level.