Image Object

The image-20240320-140848.png Image Object allows you to add JPG/JPEG/PNG images (less than 1MB in size) to the card design.

Before designing a template that uses an image, you must first add the images to EliteID by going to Administration > Credentials > Credential Images.


  • Clipping Method: These settings affect how the image is displayed within the image bounding box.

    • None

    • Stretch to Fit

    • Clip (Horizontal or Vertical)

    • Smart Clip (Sides or Bottom)

  • Show Border: Add a border around the Image with customizable thickness and rounding.


  • Border: Select the border color.

  • Dynamic Color: Enable dynamic color changes based on conditions. This setting affects the border color.

  • Allow K-Panel: Force the use of K-panel on this image object for values 0,0,0. This setting may produce better results on images that contain 0,0,0 black.


  • Get: Click "Get" to open the Credential Images modal, then select an image. The selected image will be represented on the card design.

  • Remove Link: Use this button to clear the selected image.


  • Location (X, Y): Specify the horizontal and vertical coordinates for positioning the object.

  • Size: Adjust the width and height of the object.

  • Rotate: Rotate the object by a specified angle.


  • Visible: Toggle the object's visibility on or off.

  • Dynamic Visibility: Set conditions for dynamic visibility.

  • Opacity: Adjust the object's transparency level.