Line Object

The image-20240320-180738.png Line object allows you to add geometric lines to the ID card design.

With the Line Object, you can create dividers, borders, or other graphical elements using lines of various thicknesses and colors to enhance the visual design of your ID cards.


  • Pen Thickness: Select a numerical value to determine the thickness of the line.


  • Foreground: Choose the shape (pen) color.

  • Dynamic Color: Enable dynamic color changes based on conditions.


  • Location (X, Y): Specify the horizontal and vertical coordinates for positioning the object.

  • Length: The length of the line object.

  • Rotate: Rotate the object by a specified angle.


  • Visible: Toggle the object's visibility on or off.

  • Dynamic Visibility: Set conditions for dynamic visibility.

  • Opacity: Adjust the object's transparency level.