Text Object

Text Object

The image-20240319-204707.png Text object allows you to add static text elements to the ID card. This text remains the same across all printed cards and does not vary from person to person.


  • Font: Select the font family. Font list

  • Font Size: Adjust the font size.

  • Font Styles: Apply bold, italics, or strikethrough formatting.

  • Justification: Align text to the left, center, or right.

  • Word Wrap: Enable or disable text wrapping.

  • Show Border: Add a border around the text object with customizable thickness and rounding.


  • Foreground: Choose the text color.

  • Background: Set the background color for the text object.

  • Border: Select the border color.

  • Dynamic Color: Enable dynamic color changes based on conditions.


  • Text String: Enter the text to be displayed (up to 1024 characters).


  • Location (X, Y): Specify the horizontal and vertical coordinates for positioning the object.

  • Size: Adjust the width and height of the object.

  • Rotate: Rotate the object by a specified angle.


  • Visible: Toggle the object's visibility on or off.

  • Dynamic Visibility: Set conditions for dynamic visibility.

  • Opacity: Adjust the object's transparency level.