Name Object

The image-20240319-205054.png Name Object offers an easy way to manage the name as an object on a single line without worrying about the name fields overlapping one another.


  • Font: Select the font family. Font list

  • Font Size: Adjust the font size.

  • Font Styles: Apply bold, italics, or strikethrough formatting.

  • Justification: Align text to the left, center, or right.

  • Word Wrap: Enable or disable text wrapping.

  • Show Border: Add a border around the text object with customizable thickness and rounding.


  • Foreground: Choose the text color.

  • Background: Set the background color for the name object.

  • Border: Select the border color.

  • Dynamic Color: Enable dynamic color changes based on conditions.


Pre-Data Label

  • Enter text to be displayed before the name.

Add Space Character Between Pre-Data Label and Name

  • Toggle this option on or off to control whether a space is added between the pre-data label and the name.

Database Field Name

  • Select the desired name field combination from the following options:

    • First

    • Preferred

    • Last

    • First Mi

    • Preferred Mi

    • First Middle

    • Preferred Middle

    • First Last

    • Preferred Last

    • First LastInitial

    • Preferred LastInitial

    • First Mi Last

    • Preferred Mi Last

    • First Middle Last

    • Preferred Middle Last

    • Last, First

    • Last, Preferred

    • Last, First Mi

    • Last, Preferred Mi

    • Last, First Middle

    • Last, Preferred Middle

Sample Text

  • Displays a preview of how the selected name field combination will appear.

Add Space Character Between Name and Post-Data Label

  • Toggle this option on or off to control whether a space is added between the name and the post-data label.

Post-Data Label

  • Enter text to be displayed after the name.


  • Location (X, Y): Specify the horizontal and vertical coordinates for positioning the object.

  • Size: Adjust the width and height of the object.

  • Rotate: Rotate the object by a specified angle.


  • Visible: Toggle the object's visibility on or off.

  • Dynamic Visibility: Set conditions for dynamic visibility.

  • Opacity: Adjust the object's transparency level.