Data Management

In the Data Management screen you can view student import history and remove student records & associated data.

Access the feature by navigating to PerfectPass > Administration > Data Management


If you do not see Data Management your user role may prevent you from accessing the feature.


The Imports tab shows import history sorted by the most recent import date.

The Result column may indicate SUCCESS, FAIL, IN PROGRESS.

Records Committed indicates the number of rows in the import file. It does not indicate the number of unique students contained within the file.


The Records tab gives 3 options to delete student data.


Choosing this option will remove ALL student records and linked data.

Record not found in Last successful import

Choosing this option will remove ALL student records and linked data who were not found in the last successful import.

Field Matches

Use the field matches option to remove students using criteria in a system or custom field.


Delete Student Records

To remove student data select the option, click Preview, then Delete.

PerfectPass will prompt for confirmation after you click Delete.

A few moments after clicking Yes the records will be deleted.


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