Photo Import
Photo Imports require a CSV/TXT file import
The photo file type must be .jpg
The import.csv and photos need to be compressed into a .zip, with root of the zip containing the import.csv and a Photos subfolder containing jpg images.
The photo files must be named IDNumber.jpg, or if named something else the zipped import.csv file must include a field containing filename.jpg
*To import photos into PerfectPass select the PerfectPass Student Entity in Data Mapping
Go to Data Management > Integrations > File Import
Start by creating a new File Import Configuration, or edit an existing Configuration and click on the Binaries tab
Add Path
Enter a unique Name and enter the photos Path as follows:
For example, a Photos subfolder contains image files named by ID Number, and the import file’s ID Number field is named IDNUMBER, therefore the path is:
In invalid field name will highlight red and prevent saving the Configuration
3. Save the Configuration
Next, we’ll add the Binary field to a Data Mapping
Go to
Data Management > Mapping
then Create or Edit an existing Data MapAdd or configure the Student entity configuration
Select the Photos droplist and choose the binary
column created in the previous steps.Click Save