Batch print
Batch printing in EliteID enables the printing of multiple ID cards with minimal user interaction.
Batch printing leverages Lists to identify the individuals for whom ID cards need to be printed.
It will print ID cards for all individuals included in the selected List.
To use batch printing, users must have the "EliteID:Person:Print List" user permission.
How to Start a Batch Print
Select a List
Go to the "Lists" section
Choose an existing list or create a new one with your desired criteria
Note the List Record Count on the right, which shows how many cards will be printed
Set Up Batch Print
Click "Actions" then select "Print"
This opens the Batch Print Setup window
Note: If the list has a specific credential assignment, you can't change it during setup
Choose Print Order
Select how the cards will be printed:
Primary sort (optional): Choose a user field for initial sorting
Secondary sort: By default, cards are printed in order of Last Name, First Name, and ID Number
Confirm Print Job
A confirmation window will show:
Card count
Credential name
Print station
To change the print location:
Cancel the current setup
Select the desired station
Restart the process with "Actions" then "Print"
Start Printing
Click "Yes" to send the print jobs to the ID printer
The batch printing process will begin
To avoid wasting printer consumables we recommend designing the List to exclude the People you do not want to batch print.
For example, it is common to skip printing people that do not have a photo. This criteria can be setup in the List. See the example at the bottom of the page.
What happens when cards are batch printed?
When cards are batch printed in EliteID, several important processes occur:
Update Individual Records
For each person in the batch, EliteID updates:
Last Printed timestamp
Card count
Reprint reason
Create a Single Batch Print Job
EliteID processes the entire batch as one job
Job name format: "Batch_[Credential][List][Card Count]"
You can view this job in RapIDadmin > Administration > Print Jobs
The system sends this job to the designated Station
Split the Batch at the Station
The Station's VDS PrintManager software receives the batch job
It splits the batch into individual print jobs, one for each card
Example: A 20-card batch becomes 20 separate print jobs in the client-side print spooler
This process ensures:
Each card prints with the correct data and formatting
The system maintains an updated record for every individual in the batch
Batch print - Skip people without an ID photo
It is common to skip printing an individual's ID card if they don't have a photo or if the photo is outdated. You can achieve this in a batch print by using one of the following methods:
List Criteria with "Photo Time is not empty": Set up a List with the criteria "Photo Time is not empty." This will ensure that only individuals with a valid photo will be included in the List for batch printing.
Specify a Start Date for Photos: Another approach is to specify a start date for the photos. This means that only individuals with photos taken on or after the specified date will be included in the batch printing process.