Photo Export

Export photos in .jpg format in just a few steps.

Actions >Export Photos

Start a photo export

  1. Open Lists

  2. Select a List (or design a new List)

  3. Select Actions > Export Photos

  4. Photo Export Settings allows further refining the photo export

Photo Export Setup

You may specify an optional date range and to include an export file.

Leaving the Start Date and End Date blank means “include all photo dates”.

Click Export to go to the next step.

Click Yes at the confirmation prompt.

In just a few moments a .zip will be downloaded.

Uncompressing the .zip file reveals the jpg photos and the PhotoExport.xlsx file.

Export File Specifications

The export file will be contained in the downloaded .zip file.

The Export File is always named PhotoExport.xlsx and includes the fields:

  • ID Number

  • First Name

  • First Name Preferred

  • Middle Name

  • Last Name

  • Photo Name

  • Photo Time