View a List
To view and manage Lists, navigate to Lists.
The "All People" list is shown by default when you enter the Lists section.
Selecting a List
Click on "All People" to reveal the list picker, then choose the desired list name from the picker to load that specific list.
List Buttons
The Lists interface provides these buttons:
List Picker - Allows selecting from available lists
Edit List - Modify the currently viewed list
New List - Create a brand new list
Delete List - Remove the current list (does not delete people)
Record Count - Shows number of records in the current list
Actions - Perform various actions on the current list. See List Actions
Using the grid
Person records in the selected list are displayed in a grid format, with each row representing an individual. Credential field data is shown in collapsed rows grouped under each person.
To view additional details or make updates, select a person's row in the grid. This will take you to their dedicated Person screen, where you can:
View and edit information
Capture photos and signatures
Print credentials
A "back" button appears beside the Person icon, allowing you to easily return to the list you came from after visiting an individual record.