RemotePhoto by CloudCard
The by CloudCard integration allows you to seamlessly send photo invitations and manage photo submissions within EliteID. Here are the key features:
Send Invitations
Send photo invitations to individuals or lists of people
Specify a Cardholder Group
Optionally require Supporting Documents
Manage Photo Submissions
Review, approve, deny, crop, and rotate pending photos
View and adjust approved photos (denial, crop, rotate)
Review denied photos
View, crop, rotate Supporting Documents
Assess facial comparison confidence for Supporting Documents
The integration provides a smooth experience for EliteID users and RemotePhoto recipients. Any actions in EliteID appear as if they originated from the CloudCard app. Photos can be approved/denied in both EliteID and the RemotePhoto web app simultaneously, with approved photos automatically downloading to EliteID.
Note: Invites must be sent from EliteID to properly associate photos with CloudCard. Otherwise, approved photos will not download.
Accessing the Integration
Sign in to EliteID
Navigate to the "Photos" section from the menu
Users need the "EliteID:Photos" permission to access
Important: The CloudCard integration is only available to clients who have opted in for CloudCard online photo submission. Contact Vision Database to add this integration.
Sending Welcome Invites
EliteID provides four ways to send Welcome invites:
Create Person Wizard - Send an invite to an individual
Person Record - Send an invite and re-invites to individuals
List - Send an invite to multiple people at once
List Invite Scheduling - Send invites to multiple people at once on an hourly, daily, or weekly schedule
Using the Create Person Wizard
In Step 1, enter the recipient's email address
Proceed to Step 2 and click "Send Invite"
Select a Cardholder Group
Enable "Require Supporting Documents" if needed
In Step 3, click "Save" to send the invite
Using the Person Record
Search for the Person record
Input an email address in the designated email field
Click the "Invite to CloudCard" email button in the blue bar
Configure Cardholder Group and Supporting Documentation
Click "Send Invite"
Resend an Invite
After an invite is sent, as indicated by the presence of a CloudCard Create Time, the Invite button will change appearance to include a double-arrow icon.
Resending an invite does not permit the user to select a different Cardholder Group or Supporting Documentation option. Use the RemotePhoto web app to manage those options.
Using Lists
Navigate to the desired List
Select Actions > Send Invites
EliteID will send invites to everyone in the list who hasn't been invited before and has an email address.
Here is an example of list criteria to identify people with an email address that have no photo and have not been invited yet. You can use CloudCard Id or CloudCard Create Time interchangeably to determine whether People have been invited, though CloudCard Create Time is recommended because “is empty” or “is not empty” can be specified.
List Invite Scheduling
Lists can be configured to automatically send invites on a schedule to a specified Cardholder Group, with or without Supporting Documentation requirements.
EliteID will send the invite to every person in the list that has not already received a invite.
Similarly to sending invites using Action > Send Invites, the automated process will skip People in the List with a CloudCard ID, or are missing an Email Address.
Schedule | Day / Time |
Hourly | On the hour |
Daily | 7:00 PM ET |
Weekly | Monday 7:00 PM ET |
Managing Photo Submissions
Open the Photos section to manage submissions and documents.
Each photo submission has a Helperbot classification status of Good, Bad, or Unknown.
Approving Photos
Click the thumbnail to inspect
Click "Approve" to approve
Use "Approve All Good Photos" to bulk approve
Approving a pending photo will change the photo status to Approved and subsequently the photo will be downloaded to the matching EliteID record.
Denying Photos
Click "Deny"
Select a reason and optionally add a note
The recipient will receive a denial email
Supporting Documents
Click the thumbnail to inspect
View the document type and facial comparison confidence
Click "Edit" to rotate or crop the document
Activity Tracking
EliteID automatically updates fields and logs events related to CloudCard activity:
CloudCard Create Time: Set when the invite is first sent
CloudCard Download Time: Updates when an approved photo downloads
Photo Time: Updates when an approved photo downloads
CloudCard Id: Set when the person is created in CloudCard
Event History entries are also logged for sending invites and downloading approved photos.