Bulk Delete
The Bulk Delete action makes it possible to delete multiple person records at a time.
Bulk Delete can be applied to any List in the system
All records in the List are affected by the delete
Bulk Delete will permanently delete the following data:
Person information: ID, Name, Note, custom field data
Audit History (optional)
The EliteID>Lists>Bulk Delete People user permission is required
Start a Bulk Delete
Starting a bulk delete in EliteID involves the following steps:
List Selection
Navigate to Lists and choose an existing List or create a new List with the criteria that meet your requirements.
Bulk Delete
Select Actions and then choose Bulk Delete. This action will open the Bulk Delete modal window.
Enter the number of people in the confirmation box
Optionally, enable Clear Audit History to also remove Credential History and Event History associated with the deleted People
Click Delete
The delete operation may take a few minutes to process.