Edit a person's information
EliteID allows you to modify existing person records easily.
Once you have the desired record open, click the "Edit" pencil icon to enter Edit mode. From here, you can freely make changes across the various data fields for that individual.
If the record contains multiple pages of fields, you'll need to click through each page, making your edits and saving them separately before moving on to the next page.
When you've finished updating all the necessary information, click "Save" to commit your changes permanently, or click "Cancel" to discard any unsaved edits.
Editing ID Numbers and Names
To help prevent accidental overwrites, there's a specific two-step process for modifying the ID Number and Name fields.
First, click the regular "Edit" pencil icon for the record to initiate editing mode. Then, click the pencil icon under the person's photo to open the "Edit Person" modal window.
This modal allows you to revise just the ID Number and Name details. Make your updates in the fields provided, then click "Save", or "Cancel" to leave the original values.
Tracking Changes
Whenever data gets added, removed or updated in a person record, EliteID automatically logs a "Person Updated" event in the Event History. This provides an audit trail of all modifications made to each record over time.