EliteID Data Overview & Specification
Person data and ID photos can be imported into EliteID using the RapIDadmin Data Management tool.
See Data Management - Basic Import Process for an overview of the import process.
Data Requirements
File Format Information
File Type - CSV, Semicolon, Pipe, Tab, and Fixed Width
Column Header - One row column header is recommended but optional
Person Data - One row per person (unique Id Number per person)
ID Photo - A column containing the jpg photo filename is necessary if the jpg files are not named using the [idnumber].jpg naming convention
User Defined Fields - The data file may include User Defined Fields
Person Data Specifications
The below table details the default EliteID data fields. Unused fields can be ignored and additional User Defined Fields fields can be added to EliteID before the data is imported.
Custom data fields can be added and modified using the EliteID Form Designer Administration > Form Designer
Field Name | Type | Description | Type | Required |
Id Number | System field | ID Number is the primary identifier | String | Yes |
First Name | System field | Legal First Name | String | Yes |
Last Name | System field | Legal Last Name | String | Yes |
First Name Preferred | System field | Nickname | String | - |
Middle Name | System field | Legal Middle Name | String | - |
Classification | User Defined Field | Staff,Student,Visitor,etc | String | - |
Grade | User Defined Field | PK,K,1,2,3,etc. | String | - |
Address1 | User Defined Field | Home Address 1 | String | - |
Address 2 | User Defined Field | Home Address 2 | String | - |
Address 3 | User Defined Field | Home Address 3 | String | - |
City | User Defined Field | Home City | String | - |
State | User Defined Field | Home State | String | - |
Zip Code | User Defined Field | Home Zip | String | - |
County | User Defined Field | Home County | String | - |
Phone 1 | User Defined Field | Phone Number | String | - |
Phone 2 | User Defined Field | Phone Number | String | - |
Email 1 | User Defined Field | Email 1 | String | - |
Email 2 | User Defined Field | Email 2 | String | - |
Date of Birth | User Defined Field | Birth Date | String | - |
Ethnicity | User Defined Field | Ethnicity | String | - |
Gender | User Defined Field | Gender | String | - |
Photo | System field | ID Photo in jpg format | Binary | - |
Example Import
The EliteID-SampleImport.csv
Person Photo Requirements
JPG format
Cropped and in the proper orientation
Less than 100KB is recommended
Less than 600px height and width is recommended
Uniform aspect ratio is recommended
30030.jpg | kjones.jpg |