Bulk Delete

Bulk Delete

The Bulk Delete action makes it possible to delete multiple person records at a time.


  • Bulk Delete can be applied to any List in the system

  • All records in the List are affected by the delete

  • Bulk Delete will permanently delete the following data:

    • Person information: ID, Name, Note, custom field data

    • Photo

    • Audit History (optional)

  • The EliteID>Lists>Bulk Delete People user permission is required

Start a Bulk Delete

Starting a bulk delete in EliteID involves the following steps:

  1. List Selection

    • Navigate to Lists and choose an existing List or create a new List with the criteria that meet your requirements.

  2. Bulk Delete

    • Select Actions and then choose Bulk Delete. This action will open the Bulk Delete modal window.

  3. Confirm

    • Enter the number of people in the confirmation box

    • Optionally, enable Clear Audit History to also remove Credential History and Event History associated with the deleted People

    • Click Delete

    • The delete operation may take a few minutes to process.
