Photo Capture
To add or replace someone's ID photo, follow these simple steps:
Locate the person by searching for them or selecting them from a List view.
In their record, click the camera button or the photo area itself to open the "Take a Photo" window.
Follow the prompts to capture the new photo from your selected source, crop/rotate it if needed, and click Save.
The new photo will automatically replace the previous photo associated with that person's record.
Capture options
EliteID provides multiple options for the photo source:
Web Camera
Select your connected webcam from the provided list.
Click Capture to take the photo.
Crop/rotate as needed, then Save or Retry for another photo.
File Upload
Click the Upload Photo button.
Browse and select an existing JPG/PNG image file.
Once uploaded, crop/rotate and Save, or Retry.
Canon Camera (EliteID+ Only)
Click the Canon Camera option.
Pick the connected Canon camera from the list.
Capture the photo, crop/rotate, then Save or Retry.
The camera flash is enabled by lifting the flash cover located atop the camera
Zoom in/out by twisting the lens barrel
The camera will automatically focus on the subject when the photo is captured
Photo Information
The most recent photo timestamp is tracked in the Record Details panel.