Import Automation

Import Automation

The Data Management tool includes a "Generate Upload Script" feature that allows you to import data without using a web browser. This script can be scheduled to run automatically, enabling hands-free data and photo synchronization on a daily basis.


  • PowerShell 7 (Download)

  • Windows Task Scheduler

  • An import file or compressed .zip containing the import file and a “Photos” subfolder

Before proceeding, ensure that you have a functioning File Import Configuration and Mapping set up.

As of October 13th, 2023, generating a script will create a "v2" script that will prompt you to create an Application. The previous v1 endpoint is now deprecated but will remain available until a sunset date is communicated.

Generate the Upload Script

Navigate to Data Management > Integrations > File Import

Select Actions > Generate Upload Script

At the Select or Create an Application prompt enter an application name such as “Data Import” then Save.