IDMS to EliteID ISO Number Export Procedure
This document will walk you through the procedure for getting ISO Numbers from IDMS.
Instead of pulling from the pool of numbers in the ISOLib Table, you will use a utility to "Generate the numbers to CSV"
How to generate numbers to CSV
Go to
CheckDigit 2.0.7 ISO Generation Utility
To get the range from highest to lowest you would log into EliteID then Click on your avatar at top right > Switch Application > Elite ID
Then "Administration > ISO Management > Edit
"Unlock", then subtract 500 (Or how many you want) from "Account End"
Change the Account End # by an increment and click Save
Next Open up the CheckDigit program. set ID Number start to 998500 and count to 500 then "To File" and hit start
it will put the CSV file wherever you told it to under "Configure | File"