Assign an incident (Mobile)
Step 1. The first step is to search for the student.
Search options
Tap Menu > Search Students to input an ID number or last name
Tap the camera icon to scan a barcode
Nautiz X2 Handheld users can press the device’s scan button to read the barcode
Search results will appear as matches are found.
Step 2. Tap Select an Incident. select an incident from the list, then tap Done
Tap on the date time override, location, and notes fields to input data. Any information entered into the Notes field is printed on the slip and can be viewed from the web app.
Step 3. Tap Create Incident to assign the incident to the student.
One or more slips may be printed as a result of the incident assignment.
Detentions will be automatically assigned, or a calendar will appear to prompt you to choose the detention meeting time. To configure Detention Auto Assign see PerfectPass Settings.
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