Create a User
Before you can add a new user, you'll need the following information: their email address, first name, and last name.
Permissions Required: The "RapIDadmin:Users:Create User" permission is necessary to proceed with these steps.
Open Users: Navigate to RapIDadmin > Users
Create New User: Click on the "Create New User" button.
Select Tenant: Click the magnifying glass icon to open the tenant selection screen. Choose the appropriate tenant.
User Details: Enter the user's first name, last name, and email address.
Password Options:
Set Random Password: Enable this option to assign a random password to the user. Disable it to assign a password of your choice.
Should Change Password on Next Login: Enable this option to require the user to change their password during their next login.
Send Activation Email: You can send an activation email, which may contain a password and confirmation link, now or later by editing the user and enabling this option.
Status: Choose whether the user should be active and able to log in.
Assign Roles: Click the "Roles" tab, select a role, and save the changes. Please note that the "Admin" role has all available permissions, so it's not recommended for non-admin users. Refer to Roles to manage roles and their permissions.