Slips are printed notifications with a warning, pass, or detention heading. You can add custom messages using dynamic fields to personalize the printed information, as well as an additional barcode in the body of the slip.
Print a slip by adding the Print a Slip action to any Incident.
Create a print slip
Open Discipline > Incidents
Click Manage > Slips to open the Edit Slips interface
Enter a slip name then click the arrow to add the slip
The new slip is listed in the Slip drop list
Slip Options
Slip Type
The SLIP TYPE will determine whether PASS, WARNING, or DETENTION is printed on the slip header.
PASS - Use PASS to indicate the slip is not a disciplinary consequence.
WARNING - Use WARNING to indicate the slip is a disciplinary consequence.
DETENTION - Use DETENTION to indicate the slip contains detention information.
INCLUDE PHOTO - Print the student photo
INCLUDE ID NUMBER AS BARCODE - Print the ID as a barcode
INCLUDE INCIDENT CODE - Print the Incident Code
INCLUDE CURRENT RULE COUNT - Print the number of times the incident as been assigned
Enter a message into the Notes field to have it printed on the slip. Use the Available Fields drop list to print name, ID, custom field data, and incident and detention information in the Notes message.
Additional Barcode
Some users may require a second barcode on the print slip.
The additional barcode will only print when the corresponding Custom Field is populated. When a student’s Custom Field is not populated an additional barcode cannot be printed.
First, create a Custom Field (Students > Manage > Edit Custom Fields), and then add the following text to any slip. Make sure to replace CustomFieldNameGoesHere with the exact name of the Custom Field.
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