Copy a tenant

The Copy Tenant feature offers an easy way to create additional tenants with an identical application setup.

Copy Tenant requires the Tenant->Copy Tenants permission.

  1. Click Actions > Copy

  2. In the Copy Options tab set the number of copies and enter the tenant names.

  3. In the PerfectPass and/or EliteID tabs enable the objects that will be copied into the new tenant(s).

  4. Click Save to start the copy process. It should complete in about 1 minute.

The list of application objects that can be copied include:


  • Stations


  • Card Templates

  • Form Designer Fields

  • Lists

  • Auto ID

  • Settings


  • Incident Rule Base

  • Detentions and Meeting Times

  • Notification Flags/Groups

  • Notification Templates

  • Slips

  • Semesters

  • Settings

  • Custom Fields