Print a Smart Card

Print a Smart Card

EliteID supports reading and writing information to ID cards that feature smart card technology during printing. This process is known as inline encoding.

A credential that is associated with a Smart Card template can be identified in the Credentials panel by looking for a wireless-style icon under the Personalization field.

To print a smart card credential, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the person by selecting them from search results or a list.

  2. Select the smart card credential from the picker.

  3. Click the "Print" button.

After printing, smart card specific fields are populated. To view the smart card information, click View under the Personalization field.

In the Personalization modal that is presented, the card type, card format, and the card identifiers are displayed.

It may take a moment for the card information to populate in EliteID after the card has printed.

Example card personalization