OIDC Integration Guide

OIDC Integration Guide

VDSapps offers APIs secured using OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC), allowing customers and third-party applications to access user data without exposing login credentials. This guide covers the integration process, including creating your first app and connecting to the APIs.


Registering your application in RapIDadmin will provide you with the information necessary to communicate with VDSapps' APIs.

Application Settings

During the application registration process, you will have the opportunity to configure the application’s properties.

Application Types

When you create a new application it is Private.

Private Application

  • Provides access to a single customer’s data

  • Can be tied to both development and production tenants

  • Can use either Authorization Code or Device Code flow

Publishable Application

  • Available for developer accounts (3rd party integrators)

  • Works with other customer accounts

  • Must be configured as publishable during creation (cannot be changed later)

  • Can only use the Authorization Code flow

OAuth Grant Types

Authorization Code

The Authorization Code grant type is used by confidential and public clients to exchange an authorization code for an access token.

Applications created using the Authorization Code grant type will receive both Development and Production client IDs and secrets.

After the user returns to the client via the redirect URL, the application will get the authorization code from the URL and use it to request an access token.

Device Code

The Device Code grant type is used by browserless or input-constrained devices in the device flow to exchange a previously obtained device code for an access token. For an example, the import scripts generated by the Data Management tool use the Device Code grant type.

Applications created using the Device Code grant type will receive a client ID only.

Scopes and Consent

The application scope defines which resources your application will need access to. The scopes your application requests will be presented to the user when they consent to giving your application access to their data. Using the principal of least privilege, only request the scopes your application will be using. You can modify this property as your needs change.

Available scopes

  • rapidadmin.api

  • eliteid.api

  • perfectpass.api

Once a user grants consent, the permission appears in the Connections section. This listing specifies whether the application is internal (customer-created) or external (published).

Note: Applications within the same customer account use implied consent.

Development vs Production

  • The same tenant can be selected as both development and production.

  • Development keys are restricted to the selected development tenant, while production keys have broader access to other tenants that may exist within the same customer. For more information about how tenants relate to other tenants see Tenants.

Redirect URIs

Specify redirect locations


Creating an Application

  1. Sign in to RapIDadmin

  2. Navigate to API > Applications

  3. Click "Create"

  4. Enter a Name, select the OAuth Grant Type, and select the required Scopes

  5. Click "Save"

  6. Securely store the provided Development and Production client IDs and secrets

    • client_id: Public app identifier

    • client_secret: Private, password-like information (never share)
      Note: Secrets, where applicable, are displayed only once

  7. Optionally, change the Development tenant

  8. Enter a Development and/or Production redirect URI

  9. Click "Save"

You can return to the application’s settings by selecting Actions > Edit.

Using Your Application

After receiving your keys you can begin using them immediately.

API Documentation


How-to example using Postman

In this example we will create an application with the Authorization Code grant type. Then, we’ll use Postman to access the EliteID APIs.

Step 1. Start by creating an app in RapIDadmin with the following properties:

  1. OAuth Grant Type: “Authorization Code”

  2. Scopes: “EliteID API”

  3. Redirect URI: https://oauth.pstmn.io/v1/browser-callback

Step 2. In Postman, click Import then paste the following the URL or content: https://www.vdsapps.com/EliteId/api/OpenApi

Step 3. After importing the APIs, the next step is to configure the Authorization.

  1. Navigate to the Collection root folder

  2. Select the Authorization tab

  3. Set the Auth Type to “OAuth 2.0”

  4. Add auth data to: “Request Headers”

  5. Header Prefix: “Bearer”

  6. Grant Type: “Authorization Code (With PKCE)”

  7. Auth URL: https://www.vdsapps.com/rapidadmin/connect/authorize

  8. Access Token URL: https://www.vdsapps.com/rapidadmin/connect/token

  9. Client ID: <Enter Client ID>

10.  Client Secret: <Enter the Client Secret>

11.  Code Challenge Method: “SHA-256”

12.  Code Verifier: <blank>

13.  Scope: “eliteid.api offline_access”

14.  State: <blank>

15.  Client Authentication: “Send as Basic Auth header”

16.  Click “Get New Access Token”

17.  Sign in using the account that created the app, if not already signed in.

Upon successful authorization a token is returned that can be saved.

Step 4. Apply the authorization to the API collection setting the child object’s Auth Type to “Inherit auth from parent”.

Step 5. Test by using POST to add a person then GET to view the person.



Application Publication

To make your app available to other customers, contact Vision Database support.

Security Considerations

  • Keep client secrets secure and never share them publicly

  • Use appropriate application types based on secret storage capabilities

  • Follow the principle of least privilege when selecting scopes


For technical details about the available API’s, please refer to the VDSapps API Documentation linked above or contact Vision Database support.

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