Login as this user

Access another user’s environment by using the Login as this user feature.


You can use Login as this user on any user account. Doing so will cause you to impersonate that user allowing you to view their RapIDadmin and PerfectPass environment as if you were that user.

Login as this user does not require a customer license and will not take up a customers license.

Access the feature from RapIDadmin > Users.

Click Actions > Login as this user to impersonate the user


After clicking Login as this user the page will reload and the user profile will now reflect the user you impersonated with a red back arrow.

In most cases you will want to switch to PerfectPass.

Click username > Switch Application > PerfectPass to access their environment.


At any time you can return to using your primary user account by clicking username > Back to my account


Questions? Contact us at support@visiondatabase.com