There are two types of user accounts: Dealer and Customer.
Dealer level accounts offer additional benefits to help manage tenants.
Use Login as this user to impersonate a Customer user. This allows you to quickly login to the customer’s Tenant environment to make settings changes and help users resolve support issues.
Use your dealer-level account to create, edit, and delete Customers, Tenants, and Users.
Personalize Help & Support with custom support contact information.
To create a dealer level account refer to the below instructions.
Customer level accounts provide access to the cloud applications and printing service.
Access Vision Database cloud applications
VDS PrintManager utility uses a Customer level account to enable cloud-printing.
To create a Customer level account refer to the below instructions.
Create a Dealer Access Level User
Refer to the below steps. Follow the same process except choose the DEALER Access Level.
Create a Customer Access Level User
Login to RapIDadmin (click your username then Switch Applications > RapIDadmin)
Open Users
Set the Access Level to CUSTOMER
Click the Select a Customer search icon
Click SELECT on the customer
Click the Select a Tenant search icon
Enter the user's first and last name
Enter the user's unique email address
Open the Roles tab
Select one or more roles for the user
Click SAVE
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