

The Dashboard displays statistics for the number of cards printed, photos captured, people added, etc.

The information shown when the Dashboard first loads is your activity. To view all user activity, or activity from other users and data imports, select the activity source as described below.


Select the activity source

The default activity source is My Activity which will display activity for only the current user.

To view activity from a different source click the droplist then select an activity source from the list.

My Activity: The current user’s activity

All Users Activity: Activity across all users in the Tenant

System Activity: Data import / API

All Sources: Users and Data Import/ API

Select the time period

The default time period is Today.

To view activity for a different date range click the droplist then select a time period from the list.

Today: 12:00 AM to Now

Yesterday: 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM

Last 7 days: Now minus 7 days

Last 30 days: Now minus 30 days

This month: 1st day of the month to Now

This year: Jan 1st* to Now

All activity: Disable the time filter entirely

*The day starts at 12:00 AM and ends 11:59 PM


The overview pane displays statistics for the selected activity source and time period.

  • Total Cards Printed - The overall number of times cards have been printed. Each print job will increment the total by 1.

  • New Cards Printed - The number of cards printed for the first time.

  • Cards Reprinted - The number of times a user has selected Print to reprint a card.

  • Photos - The number of times a Person’s photo was updated.

  • People Added - The number of People created by user input and data import.

  • People Edited - The number of times a Person record has been updated by users and data imports.

Credentials Printed

A bar graph lists credential on the X-axis with print count on the Y-axis for the selected time period.

Select a credential to view an exact print count.


View event trends by the hour for the selected time period.

Select any of the points to display a breakdown of activity.