Choose from the below Windows system and Google fonts to personalize your card templates.
Font | Preview |
Arial | |
Calibri | |
Candara | |
Comic Sans MS | |
Consolas | |
Constantia | |
Corbel | |
Courier New | |
Ebrima | |
Franklin Gothic | |
Gadugi | |
Georgia | |
Impact | |
Ink Free | |
Javanese Text | |
Lucida Console | |
Malgun Gothic | |
Microsoft Sans Serif | |
Mynamar Text | |
Palatino Linotype | |
Segoe Print | |
Segoe Script | |
Sylfaen | |
Tahoma | |
Times New Roman | |
Verdana |
Font | Preview |
Architects Daughter | |
Berkshire Swash | |
Bungee Shade | |
Chewy | |
Chicle | |
Codystar | |
Cookie | |
Delius Unicase | |
Faster One | |
Finger Paint | |
Fredoka One | |
Galada | |
Hepta Slab | |
Irish Grover | |
Londrina Shadow | |
MonteCarlo | |
Montserrat | |
Open Sans | |
Orbitron | |
Rampart One | |
Roboto | |
Rye | |
Sancreek | |
Schoolbell | |
Vast Shadow |