Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

In the following example we will use RapIDutilities to create a data export from PerfectPass for a fictitious customer named Vision High School in the ProgressBook ATT2SIS Import format.

Note: This information was taken from the ProgressBook StudentInformation Import/Export Guide. Please report any documentation or process issues to VDS Support.



  • Windows 8/10 or Server 2012+

  • RapIDutilities v2.0.0.196 or greater

  • A PerfectPass user account (we recommend a locked account)


  1. Install RapIDutilities v. or greater

  2. Create a new PerfectPass Export map using the below reference guide then apply the FORMAT_DT text functions to the creationTime fields

  3. Set a file output destination then run the map to produce the export file


  1. Enter a unique Map Name

  2. Enter a PerfectPass username and password, then click Apply

  3. Click OK on the Login Success prompt

    Image RemovedImage Removed

    Image Added

  4. Open the Data File Mapping tab

    Image Added

  5. Choose an Output File destination with .txt extension

  6. Select Student Incident from the PerfectPass API droplist

  7. Choose Fixed Width delimiter

  8. Disable Column Names in Header

  9. Click the Filter button

    1. Set the From Date to the beginning of the current school year

    2. Set the To Date to the end of the current school year

    3. Click Save

  10. Add 5 7 columns and set the Column Length and Text/Function
    1 - Add student.IDnumber | length=9 | no Text/Function

    2 - Add creationTime

    - set the

    | length=8 | Text/Function


    = FORMAT_DT(yyyyMMdd)


    3 - Add Static Column

    - blank out the

    | length=4 | no Text/Function

    4 - Add creationTime

    - set

    | length=8 | Text/Function


    = FORMAT_DT(hh:mm tt)

    5 - Add creationTime

    - set

    | length=1 | Text/Function


    = FORMAT_DT(''t)

    Image RemovedImage Removed

    6 - Add Static Column | length=1 | no Text/Function
    7 - Add Static Column | length=1 | no Text/Function

    Image Added

  11. Click Preview to see output similar to the following. Note that you may not have any incident data to export at the time the ATT2SIS map is created.

    Image RemovedImage Added

  12. Click Save

Now that the ATT2SIS map is created you may click Run to execute it.


The map can be automated by using the Command Line Operator button to create a batch file. We recommend Windows Task Scheduler to schedule the batch file to be run daily or as often as needed.

Filter by label (Content by label)
labelsProgressBook ATT2SIS Export Data
cqllabel in ( "att2sis" , "progressbook" , "export" , "data" ) and type = "page" and space = "PERFECTPAS"
