
Users can access Reports from the View page located in RapIDadmin.

RapIDadmin > Reporting > View

Visit for a complete instructional guide.

When you access RapIDadmin > Reporting > View you will see a mix of EliteID and PerfectPass reports. Clicking the View Reports button from EliteID and PerfectPass will filter out the non-applicable reports.

To view a report:

  1. Select a report from the droplist

  2. Click Open to load the report


  3. Some reports require the user to select parameters before the report will show data.
    Click Submit after inputting the desired parameters.

    An example of report parameters


  4. After the report has displayed data the user can print, search, and export the report from the toolbar.

Hover over the toolbar icons to view the tooltips.

  1. Page navigation

  2. Print

  3. Export

  4. Search